27 November, 2020

C test horse and pony care zoom rally Thursday 10th December - from Lorna Thwaites

PLS LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT TO ATTEND - email lornajthwaites@gmail.com
This is not yet on the system to book.
Thursday 10th December 6.30 to 7.30pm
??C Test 'HORSE AND PONY CARE' Stable Management 'ZOOM' rally ?? with Angela Whitehead
If you are working towards your C-test, or are just interested in increasing your stable management knowledge, please join this rally. There will be further C level ZOOM rallies organised to enable those who are ready, to take their C Test.
The Objectives of the C Test Horse and Pony Care are:
To have a knowledge and care of a pony off grass
To be in control of a pony on the roads and in the Countryside
The cost will be confirmed once we have an idea on numbers??

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