09 March, 2021

C level rally 3rd April at Plumptonn College

Dear all,

The C level rally is now available to book on the SDHEPC website - Senior Rally, 3rd April, at Plumpton College.
The rally will last for one hour and and as we have quite a lot of people interested we may be running 2 groups (1 to 2pm and 2pm to 3pm approx).
Polly Thom is instructing and the cost is £12.50 per person.
This rally is intended for people wishing to prepare for their C test efficiency test, which has a recommended min. age of 11 years.
Any questions, please email Lorna Thwaites on lornajthwaites@gmail.com ??
We will be holding a further C level rally on Sunday 25th April - also at Plumpton College with Polly Thom.

Best Wishes


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