30 September, 2013

Jumping Practice at Feldbridge

There will be a jumping practice for those genuinely jumping 2'6 courses and above on Tuesday 29th October at Felbridge on the all weather surface - times to be confirmed, but will be morning rather than afternoon if that helps!

Spaces are limited and are restricted to the first 12 names received with payment of £7.50 (cheques to be made out to SDHE).  There is also a

£10.00 charge per horse that needs to be paid in cash on the day for the hire of the arena.

This practice is particularly aimed at the small novice and novice members who would like to be considered for the team jumping at Golden Cross on 24th November.


Names, with payment, should be sent to me at: 32, Chestnuts Close, Lindfield, West Sussex. RH16 2AU



Candy Robbins

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