20 March, 2014

All Day Rally

Hi everyone

Last year's all day rally was quite popular despite the rain so we are having another one this year




Tuesday May 27th, 2014

10am to 4pm


  •  Come and do all of the above AND have lunch
  • All ages and standards are very welcome (incl lead rein) but we cannot be responsible for all the ponies and kids so please join forces with friends and ensure that there is at least 1 adult left on site in charge of up to 4 or 5 kids
  • the very youngest children will come for a shorter time. tbc.
  • You MUST wear a body protector, long sleeved shirt and a helmet without a fixed peak for cross country
  • We will provide a bbq lunch for the kids (and for a donation to the pc will also feed the adults who stay!)
  • £25 per person
  • To sign up please email Liza Curtis (liza.curtis@hpcplc.co.uk) with your details including what height you like to jump for sj and xc (and please do tell us if you haven't done any xc before) and send a cheque, payable to SDHE PC, to Liza at Abbots Leigh Place, Slugwash Lane, Haywards Heath RH17 7SS.

Please sign up ASAP and BEFORE April 30th so that we can book enough instructors

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