16 November, 2014

*NEW ACTIVITY* Introduction to Pony Club Tetrahlon

Introduction to Tetrathlon

at 4pm on Sunday 14th December 2014 at Chailey Parish Hall

(Chailey Parish Hall is situated on the A275 adjacent to The Five Bells public house near Chailey Green)

All Southdown Hunt East Pony Club members, and interested parties, are invited along to learn all about Pony Club Tetrathlon. Sally Bowman, the Area 11 Rep., will explain how this discipline is run and all that is involved. Children can compete from any age but are only allowed to shoot with air pistols at age 8 years and above (younger children do target throwing with balls or beanbags).


Pony Club Tetrathlon provides Members with a challenging competition requiring sound practical horsemanship and general athletic ability. Tetrathlon originated as a competition for boys; however there are now separate competitions for girls under identical rules unless otherwise stated.

The four phases are:

  • Running
  • Riding
  • Swimming
  • Shooting


A summary of "What is Tetrathlon" is attached along with a sample schedule for a fun local competition from last year.

More information can be found at http://www.pcuk.org/index.php/disciplines/tetrathlon/

Fun local competitions are also run using a combination of the above four disciplines. Such as a triathlon without the swimming or a biathlon of riding & running.


If you would like any information before this event please contact Nicky Collins on 07710 086126 or nicky.collins@waitrose.com

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