28 February, 2015

Rally times GX 8th March

Hi All, look forward to seeing for Flatwork & Grids!


Rally names and times below.  March 15th rally is CANCELLED

Payments by BACs using your child's name as reference, email myself and mike.nichols@btinternet.com noting child's name and rally date. 

Barclays Bank


ACC: 30810541

SORT: 20.49.76


We have a couple of visitors on Sunday…. as some of you may know we have appointed a new Health & Safety Officer Ian Burgess I will be meeting him at GX on the 8th to check the venue and to run through 'how a rally work's'.  He wants to put together a basic formular to running a rally, so first aid, safety of children, parents, vehicles and instructor on the day….If you have any points you would like to make about how we run our rallies or have any ideas about organising/setting up/attending a rally please let us know!


We are very lucky to have the chance to take part in this activity and Nicky Collins has kindly offered to come along and discuss with under 8's parents What is Tetrathlon?


Riding, running, swimming and shooting (or bean bag/target throwing if under 8years of age).


The youngest age group for competing at Tetrathlon in the Pony Club is 8years and under. Instead of shooting at a target with an air pistol these children have to do some aimed throwing. This can be bean bags at a target or into numbered buckets. It is essentially just to get the children used to the discipline of listening to the commands of "Are you ready, stand by, throw" which when they are old enough to shoot are used as "Are you ready, stand by, shoot".


At the rally Nicky Collins (Ethan & Theo's mum) will be on hand to offer your child the chance to have a go at the bean bag throwing after they have finished their riding lesson. It's free and just a bit of fun!


If you would like more information on Tetrathlon they please look at:



and the schedule for the next Tetrathlon at Ardingly is on the link:


please note that at this competition the 8years & under children will only be doing riding, running & swimming but at future events there will also be the bean bag target throwing.


 GX has asked that you do not take ponies inside the school unless you are in the lesson thank you.


Members Attending

Money received

9am Class 1 - 40/50cm



Bank transfer

Maddie Owen

Olivia Stack

Arabella Goodwin

Keira Beasley 

Zara Gibson


Ethan Collins


10am Class 2 - 60cm

Abbey Basham

Frankie Walker

Jessica Taylor

Madalyn Savage

Ellie Swanson

11am Class 3 - 70cm

Rebecca Greaves

Jaz Newman

Megan Austin

Ella Curry

Ella Austin

Francesca Birt

12noon Class 4 - 80cm

Holly Ladd

Jessica Coveney

Anna Curry

Poppy Westwell

Charlotte Subadar


Ellie Mileham

Sally Ashen

15 Malling Street




+44 0 1273 486400


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