19 October, 2017

E/D/D+ rally at South Brockwell this Sunday - replies to Melanie Cammies

Dear All,    9.30 Mounted riding E/D  Isla Breen on Razz pd  Lily Hemsley on Zebedee pd  Lucy Truffet Max pd  Chloe Warren on Woody or Raffy pd  Nellie Ashton on Blue pd  Aimee O'Nions on Lulu pd    10.30 Unmounted Stable Management E/D/D+  Isla Breen                 Keira Beasley pd  Lily Hemsley             Daisy Burgess-Dinleyici pd  Lucy Truffet              Alex Page pd  Chloe Warren            Zac Webber  Nellie Ashton  Aimeeonions     11.30 Mounted Riding D+  Keira Beasley on Cookie pd  Daisy Burgess-Dinleyici on Bracken pd  Alex Page on Bailey pd  Zac Webber on Chloe     Please arrive in plenty of time for your allocated ride/sm time and drive into the yard and DO NOT UNLOAD ON THE LANE.  As this is a mock test in preparation for the Test day please have clean ponies & tack with riders wearing PC wear - cream jodhpurs, white shirt, PC tie & sweatshirt, clean polished boots, girls to wear hairnets and NO jewellery.  Those of you who have been to previous E/D/D+ rallies have all been beautifully turned out - well done.  Please pick up any loose hay/droppings from around your trailer before leaving.    I look forward to seeing you all and if I have left anyone off the list please contact me.    Kind regards,  Melanie   melaniecammies@btinternet.com  07831 184821        Sent from my iPad    

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