20 June, 2019

One Day Event Sunday 30th May HELP NEEDED PLEASE

Hello Everyone

We have our First branch One Day Event on Sunday 30th June.  That's less 2 weeks  time.

In order to run the event properly and safely we need lots of volunteers on the day and in advance to set up. I've asked a couple of times now and so far we have only a dozen volunteers.  We have 40 roles which need to be filled, double that if folks volunteer for a morning or afternoon only.  I currently have 47 'slots' left to fill.

I know I always seem to be asking for help, but we run 4 events a year, for both our branch children and for external people to come to.  We raise money from them for branch funds.  This money goes towards buying equipment that we use for rallies and camps and also helps to subsidise the rallies and camps. Without the events, our Branch would have no spare funding and all things would be more expensive. Please do look below and see if you can volunteer to help.  Can't make it yourself?  Do you have a relative or friend who you can persuade to come along?  We really are very grateful for all assistance.


We need many helpers to come to Wivelsden and help to set up the cross country course and the arenas.  This involves roping off all the different areas, setting up dressage arenas and attaching all the fence markers to the jumps.


We need helpers to come along and help to 'dress' our Xcountry fences. Many people at the Hunter Trials commented on how nice the course looked. We need you to come and help fasten greenery and flowers to the fences, and set up our 'props'.

We also need help putting up our marquee. Tall people are particularly welcome for this job!


This is where we need most help, and without these roles being filled, we simply cannot hold the event. We still need:

Dressage tack check,  Dressage steward, Dressage writers x 3   AM (8.30-12 ish)and PM (12.30 -3.30 ish)

Show jumping tack check and stewards AM (9.30 -12.30 ish) and PM (12.30 – 4.30 ish)

Show jumping arena party x 4 AM(9.30 -12.30 ish) and PM (12.30 – 4.30 ish)

Fence judges x 12 AM (10.00-2.00 ish) and x 18 PM (1.30 – 4.30 ish)


CAKES!  The lovely Gemma is going to drive round looking after all our helpers.  We stock up on sandwiches and hot and cold drinks to keep them going during the day, but it's also lovely to have some home baked cakes to keep the sugar levels and enthusiasm up. All home baking welcome.


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