10 September, 2019

Area eventing teams - from Rebekah Walker

Arena Eventing Teams

The first Arena Eventing team competition in Sept 29th at Petley Wood. 

Can I have names forward for those that wish to be considered by Wednesday 12noon to eventing@sdhepc.org (combinations must have attended 3 rallies to represent SDHEPC )

60/65 cm
70/75 cm
80/85 cm 
90/95 cm 

Please note this date does clash with the NSEA jumping at Felbridge. Please do not put your name forward if you then may have to withdraw because of a school team place. 

Also there is an Eventing Rally October 5th, this is for all heights. Briosa will be taking the rally and we will be working on angles, skinnies etc. Please book online.

Many thanks

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