20 October, 2019

team jumping 3rd November at Golden Cross - from Candy and Tracy

East Sussex Pony Club are running an interbranch showjumping competition on Sunday 3rd November at Golden Cross – full details are on their website.

Class 1: 50cm teams and Individuals – combinations not to have competed at  70cm or above

Class 2: 60cm teams and individual – combinations not to have competed at 80cm or above

Class 3: 75cm teams and individuals – combinations not to have competed at Area Novice

Class 4: Debut Winter League – 80cm

Class 5: 85cm teams and individuals

Class 6: Winter League  - 90cm


If you are interested in being selected to compete, please contact Tracy Collins for classes 1,2 and 3

and Candy Robbins for classes 4, 5 and 6 by noon on Tuesday 22nd October at the latest. We do appreciate there are other competitions on that day and there may not be enough interest for the teams but we could enter individuals.

Candy and Tracy

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