20 December, 2021

C/C+ rally 9th January

There is a rally on Sunday 9th January at Plumpton College for members working towards their C or C+ efficiency tests. It is also suitable for members working at this level but not wishing to take their tests. Polly Thom is instructing. 

Subject to numbers there will be two groups, 10 to 11 and 11 to 12. Groups and times will be allocated once the bookings are closed.

The deadline for booking is this Sunday (boxing day!) and unfortunately our SDHEPC website is still down and so bookings can't currently be made online.

If you wish to attend (or had already booked on) please can you email the organiser Lorna Thwaites on lornajthwaites@gmail.com

Payments will need to be made via  BACs.

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