17 January, 2014

Dr Lionel Ripley

It is with much sadness that I have to inform you of the sudden passing yesterday of Dr Lionel Ripley, our branch Membership Secretary and Treasurer of many years standing.  He was 71.  He is survived by his partner Jan, and two children.

Lionel was a familiar friendly face at Camp, especially Senior Camp where he was the 'welcoming committee' and was well known to anyone riding in our cross country events at Wivelsden Farm as the starter and time keeper.

I will keep you informed concerning funeral arrangements.

On a practical note we may not be able to access any email sent to him so if you did email him in the last week could you please resend the message to me mike.nichols@btinternet.com.  I will deal with renewals and camp bookings on a temporary basis while the Branch Committee seek to appoint a new officer.  We may also need to double check bookings to avoid any mistakes or misunderstandings.  My postal address is:
58 Blackthorns
RH16 2AY

In the mean time the show must go on and we look forward to running a successful two day competition at Ardingly.  Hopefully this will yield a sizeable contribution to branch funds and, once again, we will be able to "make Lionel happy". 



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