06 July, 2015

Baldocks ODE 19th July - HELP needed please!

Good evening to you all,

Well we are half way through our branch events calendar and I am delighted to say that we have had a really successful season so far, with booming entries and profit made at all four events. I would like to personally thank all our parents and members that have volunteered at our events, especially to those the have given up their time to help at ALL the events so far! We could not run these without you. ENTRIES CLOSE FOR THIS EVENT ON FRIDAY 10TH JULY. IT WOULD BE SMASHING TO SEE LOTS OF OUR MEMBERS COMPETING, WITH CLASSES FROM 60-90CM.

So, we need LOTS of helpers to run the ODE on Sunday 19th July. Jobs are:

* Setting up on Saturday - perfect if you are competing on the Sunday!
* Car parking 3 slots 7.45-10am/10-1pm/1-3pm may suit non horsey other half!
* Dressage writers/stewards/tack checkers am/pm starting at 8.45am
* SJ steward/tack checker/arena party am/pm starting at 9.45am
* XC tack checker am/pm starting at 10.45am
* XC jump judges x 40! (please email Claire Fry)

*PACKING AWAY AT THE END OF THE DAY! We always struggle with having enough people to dismantle the showground at the end of the day so we would very much welcome lots of volunteers for this!

If your child is an active member, is going to a PC camp this summer or is representing our branch at area level then please do give up two hours of your time to make this event a success. Many hands make the events much more enjoyable for the core events volunteers!

Due to struggling to get volunteers to help at events we have decided not to run the August Hunter Trials this year in the hope that you all don't get too irritated with my constant requests for help!!!

I really would love to see lots of our members helping to make this event successful for our branch. Please do email me if you think you could help!

Heidi xx

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