18 July, 2015

Help please for ODE on Sunday

Hi there,

Thank you so very much to our members parents that have kindly offered help on Sunday. Claire Fry will be emailing you with times soon!

We are thrilled that we have booming entries again for our event but we still desperately need the following positions filled:

Car parking 10-12pm and 12-2pm
Dressage steward am/pm
Dressage runners (would suit teenager) am/pm
Dressage writers in the afternoon
Show jumping arena party from 10am  am/pm (would suit members)
Show jumping steward am/pm

At least 10 more fence stewards am and pm.

As you can see we are so short of helpers so please do help for a couple of hours if you can.

Heidi Greenwood   heidi.greenwood@sky.com

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