27 April, 2016

C training - replies to Claire Fry

Hi Everyone    I am looking forward to seeing the following members this Saturday 30th April.    Jess Fry  Emily Duveen  Ben Burgess ( Helen let me know if you managered to get a lift for Ben )  Sadie Dix  Ellie Taylor    Sophie Mitchell - already paid for the 9th August.      Please be at Oakfields and in the school just before 10am - 12pm.    As we had to change the venue Sarah agreed to do an hours riding and an hours Stable Managerment to make it worth while driving to her. I will buy some biscults ect to keep us Mums and Dads happy while we wait !!    The total cost is £15.00 ( £7.50 an hour ) Please bring the extra bit with you.    Hope this all makes sense.    See you all Saturday.    Claire     clairemfry@hotmail.co.uk    0772 988 0293  

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