17 July, 2016

September events at Wivelsden

Hi Everyone    Thank you for all your help so far this year it is very much appreciated.    The next two events are on     11th September - Hunter Trails    25th September - Mini ODE     Please keep these dates free to come and help at the events either on the day or on the set up days. ( We will send out set up dates and times nearer the time )     I will be looking for Fence Judges for both events.    Don't worry if you have never done this before as I will explain all in a briefing and it's very easy just sitting around, eating fantastic sandwiches, drinking tea and of course eating all those lovely homemade cakes that parents provide !!!    Sunday 11th Sept is a hunter trail so could as many of you help all day or between you and your family sit at a fence all day. This does help to keep the course open without long breaks in between classes as we never really know till the day the numbers of riders that will enter.    Sunday 25th Sept is a ODE so nearer the time I will know the XC Times which makes it much easier.    Please email / text or ring me so I can add you to my XC Fence Judge List for the above dates.  There will also be a list at all three camps over the summer holidays to write your name down.    Thank you everyone without your help these events would not run.    Claire    clairemfry@hotmail.co.uk  0772 988 0293  

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