10 September, 2016

Fence Judge Briefings tomorrow



Thank you to everyone who has offered to Fence Judge tomorrow. It is lovely to see so many new names on my list.


You will all be given full instructions in the briefings and it looks like the weather is going to be kind to us to. Sally Harper is kindly making lots of lunch for us all so we won't go hungry !!


The Morning Briefing is at 8.15am. Please be there on time as I would like you all in position to start prompt at 9am.

Thank you


The Afternoon Briefing will be at 1pm with the hope to start the 80cm pairs as near to 1.30pm as possible. The start time may change slightly as we never know now the morning will run until the day.


Thank you so much for giving up your time.


Below is the list of names I have if I have missed you off can you text/ring me and I can add you in.

0772 988 0293


See you all tomorrow




Paula Cloke - all day

Helen Burgess - pm or am ( I don,t know ) Sorry my phone deleted all my messages having a strange moment  can you text me.

Emma Simpson - am

Ruth and girls all day

Sue Lee all day

Katie George - am

Emily Payne - am

Isabel Page - am

Louise Powell - am

Stuart Fellingham - all day

Fiona Irwin and Family - all day

Lesley Briggs - am

Angie - all day

Juliia  - all day

Vicki Henderson - am

Sam Greaves  - am


Jo Duffield - pm

Christina - pm

Emma Beasley -  pm

Claire Etherington  - pm

My Mum - pm

Charlotte Russell - pm

Jo Reffin - pm

Jayne Block - pm

Liz Webberley - pm

Jayne Dveen  - pm

Jane Sallis - pm ( Can you come and find me when you arrive in the morning ) Thank you Katy Pollard - pm




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