08 February, 2018

Unmounted E,D and D+ stable management at Vixengrove 13th February - replies to Melanie Cammies please

Dear All,     There is an Unmounted E, D & D+ Stable Management Rally at Vixengrove Farm (by kind permission of Mr & Mrs Day) next Tuesday 13th February from 10 am - 12 pm & £5.    Please send rally forms and cheques/copy of BACs transfer to me asap - my address is on the rally form which can be downloaded from the SDHEPC website.    There will be monthly E, D & D+ SM and Mounted rallies (i.e., Sun 25.03.18, Sun 08.04.18 + date in early May)with a test day in the May half term for those members who have attended at least 3 of these rallies.    I look forward to seeing lots of you attending these rallies and any queries to melaniecammies@btinternet.com / 07831 184821.    Regards,  Melanie      Sent from my iPad    

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