04 April, 2018

Flatwork rally Friday 6th April


Jessica Bright and Connor ( £2.50 owed - please bring cash)

Lucy Page and Buffy

Ciara Kilfoy and Kestral

Alice and Bertie

Lettice Schulz and Rosie

Lily Musson and Madame




Amalie Conroy and Pegasus ( 50 pence owed- please bring cash)

Charley Poulton and Kilarney (as above)

Lucy Page and Dixie

Ellie Pain and Bally (50 pence owed)

Tallulah Haycock and Kevin ( 50 pence owed)


Please note the rally cost is £12.50. Apologies that it was advertised incorrectly at £12. Please bring cash to settle the balance.


As always please be dressed appropriately, be ready to start your ride on time and take responsibility for leaving the lorry park as you found it clear of hay and droppings.

Thank you.


Best wishes




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