16 August, 2018

All day rally

Hello to all those coming to the All day Rally


Please note that parking is in the XC field.  If you can all arrive at 9.30am so you are tacked up and on for a 10am start. 


Body Protectors MUST be worn for the Cross-country.  Medical armbands are adviseable if your parents aren't staying.  XC kit can be worn for this section.  Otherwise its beige or white jodphurs with shirt, PC tie and a PC Sweatshirt if cold. 


Mum's/Dad's if you are leaving  your children please can you ensure you give me a contact telephone number 


We have a fun filled day for you which consists of XC, Showjumping, Flat/pole work, Debbie Melville (PC H Examiner, Eventer) is doing a demonstration at 11.15am on show ring performance.  We also have Claire Etherington-Gray working with you on sports injuries in the horse, and you get the chance to draw the bones and muscles on a pony. 


There's also an option of have a go at handy pony too.  Along with a BBQ.


The names and groups are as follows (but if I've missed anyone please holla):


Briosa's Ride


Rhianna Hawkins

Charlie Collins

Ben Burgess

Tilly Appleyard

Rumer Crawford

Annabel Orgil


Michelle's Ride


Daisy Burgess

Lily Musson

Lettice Shulz

Lilly Taylor 

Sophie Etherington

Mabel Ricca-Smith  (sorry we couldn't put you and Lilly in separate rides, but Michelle is aware of the ponies commitments to each other)


Sonia's ride


Nellie Ashton

Lilly Helmsley

Georgie Orgil

Lucy Wells

Daisy Wells

Millie Boreham


If there is anyone missing please contact me on 07989 650634 (as I had a few say they wanted to come but not received rally forms). 


Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.


Many thanks for your support in this event and I hope you all enjoy it.



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