14 February, 2019

Upcoming rallies

Hi Everyone


I hope you have all had a chance to look at our new website. We are very excited about it and I hope it will make booking on to Rallies

a lot easier.


We are getting there slowly putting all the rallies on that we have booked so far but its taking a bit longer as its all very new to me !!


I thought i would send out a list of things we have coming up so you can pencil them in.

These will all be on the website hopefully by the end of the week so please don't go sending loads of forms or emails in as you will able to do it online soon.

I just wanted to everyone to have some dates.



20th Show Jumping (all levels)

22nd C & C+

23rd Eventing (all levels)



9th E,D & D+

16th Show Jumping (all levels)

23rd Eventing (all levels)

31st Dressage (all levels)



9th Show Jumping (all levels)

12th Eventing (all levels)

17th Show Jumping (all levels)

20th Eventing (all levels)


i hope this helps with planning but please don't panic they will be all online so don't send form in.


Many Thanks

Gemma Johnson

SDHEPC Programme Organiser

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