20 October, 2013

Felbridge 23rd October - from Candy

Times for the small novice and novice jumping practice at Felbridge on Wednesday 23rd October with Sarah Muggeridge


2.00    Flo Evans Thomas - Jazz

             Rosie Brooke - Silver

             Livvy Logan -  (please advise horse name)


3.00    Daniel Dickens - Charlie

             Jason Watson - Bubble

             Alex Irwin - Jamboree

             Grace Riminton - Deejay


4.00    Sophie Duffield - Amber

             Rhiannon Vesey Holt -  (please advise horse name)

             Vicky Henderson - Amy


Please could you all arrive earlier than your allocated time in order to

warm up beforehand.  Help with the adjustment of the height of the

fences would be much appreciated and give more time for jumping.


Please also remember to bring £10.00 cash per horse for the hire of the

arena and give it to Sarah, as I can't be there due to work! Hope you

all have a good afternoon of jumping.


Candy Robbins

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