31 October, 2013

Small Novice and Novice Jumping at Golden Cross 24th November

Many thanks to all those that came to the 2 practices at Felbridge over the last couple of weeks - Sarah saw some good jumping, and also those that came with an "issue" did well to resolve their problems.


This list is confirmation of the names that have been put forward for

team consideration, and for some individual entries too.   Some of you

attended the practices but have not as yet put your name down for consideration. I have added these to the list, so please can all of you confirm by return your availability.  Some names have been put under the height that Sarah suggests is suitable at this stage for a team. If you feel you would like to try at a higher height, you may be able to jump that height as an individual. The main thing is not to overface rider or horse, jump safely and enjoy the experience!


Small Novice Team  (75cm/80cm)  for consideration


Tara Keosherigan - Bella

Jasmine Pearce - Bally Boy

Chloe Macdonald - Arthur

Georgia Corrin - Oopsy Daisy

Flo Evans Thomas - Jazz

Rosie Brooks - Silver

Jason or Jodie Watson - Scooby  (Horses can compete for one team only, so other rider could do individual at a different height) Grace Riminton - Deejay Rhiannon Vesey Holt - Storm Vicky Henderson - Amy

Livvy Logan -              (or 2'3 if you are happier)


Small Novice Individual


Xanthe Fairhead - Louis  (+ Dengie)

Georgie Henderson - Minstrel

Lauren Vane -

Hazel Perry - Harvey

Matthew Perry - Cisco


Novice Teams 85/90cm  for consideration


Emma Robbins - Chalky

Jessica Copsey - Evie

Alice Reffin - Henry

Beth Giddings - Del/Pete   or as an individual at novice/small novice

with Pete

Daniel Dickens - Charlie  (+ Dengie)

Alex Irwin - Jambo

Rosanna Curtis - Martin (or small novice if happier) Tara Keosherigan - Lara (or small novice if happier/or depending on Bella)


Sophie Duffield - Amber (or are you doing the open?)


Sarah suggests that the following could enter the mini at 2'3 - these entries will need to go to Hazel Perry


Francesca Fairhead - Zac

Eleanor Reffin - Blue

Agnes Homer - Millie

Charlotte Subedar - Rosie


 These are all suggested entries - once availabilty of all has been confirmed, Sarah will then select the teams and you will be notified as soon as possible, so entry money can be collected and the entry sent in by the end of next week hopefully!

Your early response is much needed to enable us to sort all of this out.  Great to see so many of you wanting to come.


 Candy Robbins

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