03 October, 2013

Missing any Pony Club emails

From time to time I hear from those on our email distribution list that they have not received all messages.  Good as it is email is not 100% reliable and spam filters play their part spiriting messages away on a sometimes unpredictable basis.  I have gone to considerable lengths (and expense) to try and avoid our mail being treated as spam!

Effective now I am copying all mails I send to http://sdhepc.blogspot.co.uk which is an automated blogging system.  This will act as an archive and reference point.  The only thing it can't do is hold attachments (such as PDF documents); if it did I would make more use of it!

So if you feel others know something you don't you can check and then by all means ask me to resend or search the nether regions of your computer/tablet/phone or service provider's website!


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