05 April, 2014


As you all know we have ran a SDHEPC Branch show for many years. This event is a traditional, fun show and it raises approximately £1000 profit, which goes towards keeping our rally costs down. It is well supported by neighbouring branches, local competitors and many of our branch members (especially the younger ones).  We have got this years event scheduled into our diary of events for the ????? It is a big organisational task to put together and run this show, as we have approximately six rings. 

HOWEVER, we will be unable to run this event unless we have parents/grandparents to step forward to take over the running of it. The Events Committee will of course be willing to support and help, but we do feel that we need more people to come forward to project manage it and organise it. We are all very involved with the organising and running of the Hunter Trials and One Day Events,which takes up a huge amount of our time. We just don't feel that we can commit to any more as most of us are working full time and have other commitments.

An outline of roles:

* Urgently looking for a Show secretary to take entries prior and on the day (two people needed on the day)
* Urgently looking for a Show organiser to be responsible for the running of the event
* SJ ring - all day: commentator/judge/tack check/steward/arena party
* Working hunter ring - all day: judge/2 x stewards
* Showing ring: judge/2 stewards
* Clear round - 2 people all day 
* Dinky jumping ring - judge/steward/tack check/arena party
* Dinky corner fun showing - judge/steward
* Gymkhana - judges/assistants
* Handy Pony - 2 people all day
* runners for odd jobs
* Setting up and clearing away are also huge jobs that need an army of willing people too. 
* Someone to seek sponsors for the different rings : £100 to sponsor each ring 

Toilets/first aid/ PA/ course builder/catering/photography/rosettes is all organised.

As you can see the event needs an awful lot of people to run. We as a branch certainly do not want to see this event not happen however we do need many more people to commit to being more actively involved with the Branch and events. We have until Saturday 11th April to make a decision on the Branch Show, so if you would like to see it happen then please do email us your firm commitment by then. If we do not have any response then it will be cancelled. The children really do enjoy this show, and we would very much like it to run. PLEASE DO HELP US TO MAKE IT HAPPEN for our members to enjoy.

Many thanks, 

Candy Robbins & Heidi Greenwood
(Branch Secretary)

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