02 June, 2014

All day Rally - Sunday 8th June

Hi everyone. The all day rally on Sunday 8th June (next Sunday) is now full. I will keep a waiting list in case there are changes so let me know if you want to be on that. I have the following down to do it:


Ella Austin

Megan Austin

Rosie Brooke

Chloe Fry

Jess Fry

Emma Bowyer

Laura Denyer

Romilly Maclean (pls send forms to Liza)

Katie George

Jess Copsey

Emma Robbins

Kezzie Fish

Dan (am only)

Georgia Marsland

Rebecca England

Georgia Corrin

Emily Burden

Freya McLennan

Rosanne Curtis

Kara Wenban

Ellie Greenwood

Ella Head

Jason Watson

Tom Kianfar

Lily Kianfar

Archie Were

Rebecca Harvey (to confirm if pony sound)

Jodie Watson

Poppy Westwell

Chloe Marriott

Tara Keoshgerian

Farah Petts

Madalyn Savage

Millie Easton


The first session of the rally will start at 10.30 so please arrive at Wivelsden about 10 in time to get ready and mounted. It will finish by 4. We will provide lunch for the kids.

Everyone MUST wear hats without fixed peaks and body protectors to do the xc session.

There will be a sweet stall (as at camp) during lunch if the kids want to bring a small amount of money.

I will have some medical armbands and xc bibs if anyone needs to buy one.

If you haven't paid yet, please bring a cheque with you.

Thank you very much and I will see you all there.


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