04 August, 2014

Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust

The following is from Lesley Briggs (parent in the branch).

When I was at Hickstead for the Derby Meeting I went into the Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust stand.  They are always after bits and other pieces of tack to send to the Gambia, particularly pony sized equipment.  They are going to have a stand at Hickstead this week and I'm going to drop off my unwanted pony headcollars and bits including some old nickel ones which aren't used much now in this country but they are keen to have. 

I just wondered whether anyone else had old pony bits no longer needed.  It just seems a great opportunity to have a clear out and help the ponies and donkeys in the Gambia. Their website for more information is http://www.gambiahorseanddonkey.org.uk/  and I see that you can drop off at NFU offices - nearest branch is Ardingly.


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