08 October, 2015

Achievement badge Friday 9th October - reply to Helen Burgess


The first of our winter indoor badge rallies is upon us this Friday 9th October 2015 at Beechwood Village Hall, Cooksbridge from 5.30pm.  

We will be learning all about Paces and there are two badges available for the mini badge for the under 10's and the achievement badge for older members.  This will be useful for children wanting to do their D, D+, C, C+ and B tests.  As the groups will be split.

There is nibbles on offer too...  As I am no good at cake making if anyone wanted to bring cake I'm sure the children as well as the Mums would be delighted.

The names I have so far are:

Mini Badge Big Badge
Eliza Couch Emily Allardyce-Basset
Hannah Couch Laura Couch
Daisy Burgess Tilly Appleyard
Theo Collins Ben Burgess
Jamie Alexander Jessica May-Taylor
Jasmin Newman
Megan Austin
Rumer Crawford
Rebecca Greaves

I apologise if I have missed someone off of the lists.  You are more than welcome to come along on the night as a few people have spoken to me about this due to after school clubs and not being sure if they could make it.  The payment for the badge is £5.  We have plenty of badges so you are more than welcome to come along.

If you want to contact me my mobile is 07989 650634 and my email is helenkaya@harpercraven.com.

Look forward to seeing you on Friday.


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