05 October, 2015

Jumping rally at Felbridge 27th October

Jumping rally at Felbridge  - 27th October 2015    (10.00 – 1.00)

There are 12 spaces available for the above rally at Felbridge on the all weather jumping surface for those genuinely jumping 2'6 courses and above.

So far, I have received names and payment from Emma Robbins, Maddie Aloof and Shannon Limberger.


If you would like a place please post me a completed rally form (download from the website) with a cheque or cash for £7.50 to secure the place. If you do pay by BACS a copy of your transaction must be sent in with your form, and not by e-mail as will still have to be printed off!  There is an additional charge of £10.00 which must be paid in CASH on the day for the hire of the arena.


No forms and payment = no place!  Sorry, sounds harsh but we do need to be organised and have the correct information to sort combinations into the correct riding groups, and book instructors accordingly.


Many thanks


Candy Robbins

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