24 October, 2015

Trip to Olympia this Christmas

Would anyone like to go to the Olympia Horse Show this Christmas?

I have made a few enquiries and come up with the following, based on a minimum size group of 10

Friday 18th December     afternoon performance  £32.90

Friday 18th December      evening performance  £33.90

Monday 21st December   evening performance  £32.90


There will be a small booking fee to share.


If you are interested,  please could you let me know by Tuesday and also which performance you would like to see.  If there is enough interest, we could arrange 2 trips (you would need to get yourselves to Olympia but the train is cheap and very easy)


Olympia is always a great event to attend  for all ages and the perfect opportunity to buy Christmas presents!



Candy Robbins




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