22 June, 2015

C rally ay Wivelsden on Sunday



There is a couple of spaces so please let me know if you would like to attend


Please see below the times and who's names are down for the C Rally on Sunday 28th June, which will be held at Wivelsden Farm and Sonia will be your instructor.  Please make sure you are ready on time.


The cost is £7.50, so if you have already paid £12.50 you will be in credit of £5 which I will carry forward to your next rally


Please note I am not able to attend this rally so please ensure payment is made before, either by paying online or sending me a cheque.  If payment is made online please send me a copy of the confirmation from the bank.

Barclays Bank


Acc: 30810541

Sort: 20.49.76


Please could you also complete the attached booking form and send  back to me with payment confirmation or cheque.




Rebecca Greaves             Paid £12.50

Esther Brooks   

Jasmine Newman

Amy Newton




Ben Burghess

Rumer Crawford              Paid £7.50

Megan Austin                    Paid £12.50


Thank you

Clare Winder
5 Woodsland Road


West Sussex


Mobile: +44 7788 207396
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 862412


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