27 June, 2015

Rally 4th July Crockstead

Hi all the following spaces are available for training at Crockstead Saturday 4th, please let me know if you would like them.  See below the details of our charity event Sunday 5th at Crockstead supporting Heidi Greenwood's trip to Malawi, perfect to practice what you have learnt in the rally the day before!


1 x space 80cm 1.30pm

1 x space 50cm 4.30pm


4th July 2015

Venue: Crockstead Description: XC schooling on Derby Course

Instructor: Sonia Chittenden   Organiser: S Ashen


Soft peak hats & body protectors are compulsory.  Parking is on the left car park as soon as you turn into the driveway, do not drive down to club/school, leave via far gate other side of field.


Payments by BACs please using your child's name as reference, email myself and mike.nichols@btinternet.com noting rally date & venue.  Please complete rally form and hand in on the day.


Barclays Bank


ACC: 30810541

SORT: 20.49.76

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