27 August, 2015

Lots of help needed please for Mini ODE 27th September 2015

The Mini One Day Event is taking place at Wivelsden on Sunday 27th September.  This is the last of our events this year that we run to raise funds to subsidise rally costs, and to buy and maintain essential equipment that all our members enjoy over the year. The running of an ODE involves a lot of work and we are therefore needing lots of help to enable this event to be run, and for it to  run smoothly .

On the Saturday we need:              A team to build the show jumping course

                                                            Dressage arena's to be set out


On the day:                                       Arena party for showjumping    AM     and     PM

                                                            Show jumping steward                 AM    and      PM

                                                            SJ tack checker                               AM    and      PM                 

                                                            SJ commentator                            AM    and      PM


                                                            Dressage writers                           AM  x 3           PM  x 3

                                                            Dressage tack checker                AM     and      PM

Dressage runners                        AM     and      PM


XC refreshment runner               AM      and     PM



Help with parking on the day  is needed with shifts: 7.45 – 10.00   10.00 – 12.30   and 12.30 – 3.00


At the end of the day:                Many hands make light work!  We need help with dismantling the

                                                        Show jumps and loading on to trailers to go back to Captains Farm

                                                        Ropes to be taken down

                                                        Course to be de-flagged

                                                         Litter collected.


Fence judges – we need in the region of  15 fence judges for the morning and 18 for the afternoon

No experience is necessary as a full briefing will be done on the day, but you do need to be 18 or over.  You will be fed and watered, so come and sit in your deck chair for a few hours and enjoy the thrills and hopefully not too many spills, of the cross country.

If you can help with any part of the fence judging please contact Claire Fry at: clairemfry@hotmail.co.uk

Claire will reply once she has got some names together with approx. times etc.


Cakes!  If anyone is willing to doing some baking, our fence judges and team of helpers would much appreciate cakes, cookies, flapjacks etc.,



Thanking you all in anticipation of lots of help!


Candy Robbins   -  on behalf of the events committee

0781 658 0322

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