29 March, 2018

Pony Club E-mail - Update

Dear Members and Friends

As you know the branch regularly sends e-mail out to it's members to keep everyone up to date with rallies, events, items for sale and so forth.  On or about 25th March it became apparent our mail was being rejected by yahoo.co.uk and gmail.com domains due to a validation failure.  Validation exists in an attempt to make sure mail is being received from the address is says it's coming from.  Pretending to send mail from an address is common in phishing so the validation is helpful.  I'm not 100% sure why this issue arose; something changed in the infinite Ether and it wasn't my doing!

The upshot is Pony Club mail will now be sent from the address sdhepc@thefourfootway.org .  The fourfootway.org is a domain owned by me (Mike Nichols, Branch Treasurer) and so I can set up the required validation key (DKIM for the technically minded).  In order to avoid our mail being processed as 'junk' it's recommended you add sdhepc@thefourfootway.org to your address book.  This can replace the previous address sdhepc@btinternet.com which will no longer be used.  As I have commented on before sending mail to a long list of recipients is actually quite a difficult thing to do.

Don't forget all our outgoing mail is copied to http://sdhepc.blogspot.co.uk so you can always check to make sure you have seen everything.

Some recent e-mails have been sent twice to make sure they are received by those domains that were rejecting them.  To those who got them twice my apologies; I'm sure the delete button will fix it!!

I hope you all enjoy the Easter holidays.

Kind regards



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