08 March, 2018

Unmounted achievement badges at Firle - Sunday 11th March - please reply to Melanie Cammies

These are the names I have thus far and would welcome many more:-    Lucy Truffet, Lily Hemsley, Chloe Warren, Valentine Gage, Abby Beckett, Libby Webber, Zac Webber    Please would you arrive for 11.00 am start and drop off by the granary behind Firle Place.    This means driving through the village (not through the main park gates).   Drive past the school on your right & the Ram Inn on your left and then bear right up through the village and when you pass the church on your left turn left and drive through the white gates and I will be there to greet you.  Please will members wear a warm/waterproof jacket & boots, PC sweatshirt & coloured jods are fine - we will be outside and in the stables for this rally.    Regards,  Melanie  melaniecammies@btinternet.com  07831 184821    Sent from my iPad

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