26 May, 2016

Flatwork rally Tuesday 31/05/16 Crockstead

10 am

Lily Kianfar on Lucy pd BACs

Lottie Turner on Chunky pd BACs

Ellie Mileham on Tilly pd BACs

Stephanie Gibson on Silver pd BACs



Poppy Westwell on Harry/ Mouse pd BACs

Emma Bowyer on Toby pd cheque

Anna webberley on Prince pd BACs

Jess Roberts on Eddie ( transport allowing)


Your instructor will be Lyn Snowdon. Please be appropriately turned out and mounted and ready to start on time.


Please adhere to the parking instructions as you enter and follow the exit signs to ensure you leave safely.


If anyone is travelling from Bevernbridge or that area please get in touch ASAP as Jess needs a lift for Eddie.


Thank you

Best wishes

Jo Reffin

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